Well, as we pack, we're thinking ahead to the weather we'll be facing (it's been freeeeeeezing here). According to weather.com, here's what we can expect:
- Sunday (our driving day)...38 degrees (practically a heat wave!), light snow possible
- Monday (our learn-the-Metro day)...33 degrees and cloudy
- Tuesday (Inauguration Day)...30 degrees and cloudy
- Wednesday (driving home day)...36 degrees and cloudy
Okay, why are all the heat waves happening while we're cozied up in our HEATED car, sitting on HEATED seats, sipping HOT chocolate?
If I was anywhere near DC I would so be there! Enjoy and cheer for a brighter future!
Hey, your weather is about like ours this week... but ours is in Celsius.
cheers from Oz
Alaskan Dave
Thank you for the good wishes. I'll think of you in your pool while we're bundled in our longjohns, coats, scarves, and gloves, praying we can make it to the port-a-potty!
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